
Intelligent Correspondence Analysis and Distribution System

The project is co-financed by The National Centre for Research and Development under the strategic program of scientific research and development work “Advanced information, telecommunications and mechatronic technologies” - INFOSTRATEG.

The aim of the submitted project is to develop an intelligent correspondence dispatcher (IDK) for the public and business sectors in Polish. The subject of the research and development work will be software intended for use in public and business areas. The intelligent correspondent system will be based on advanced artificial intelligence solutions, including neural networks. The characteristics that will determine the innovativeness and competitive advantage on the market of the developed system will be the integration with e-mail boxes, the EPUAP system and the EDZ RP system.

Date of signing the contract: 12.04.2023

Project value: 3 282 554.69 PLN

National funds: 2 065 432.97 PLN

Helping companies respond to the numerous messages they receive every day.

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Reduction of response time

Automatic handling and analysis of correspondence

Improvement of relations with supplicants

What does Typly Mail do?

"Typly Mail" downloads the content of the mailbox, e.g. [email protected] or other source of data, analyzes incoming messages continuously and parse the following aspects:

  • type of case (taxes, decisions, general inquires, complaints and other various cases crafted to specific business ot public institution)
  • tone (so-called positive/negative/neutral sentiment)
  • continuation of correspondence (whether it's a contiunation or a reply to a message)

Why Typly Mail is better?